I’m trying to update the column visited to give it the value 1. I use MySQL workbench, and I’m writing the statement in the SQL editor from inside the workbench. I’m writing the following command:

UPDATE tablename SET columnname=1;

It gives me the following error:

You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without
a WHERE that uses a KEY column To disable safe mode, toggle the option

I followed the instructions, and I unchecked the safe update option from the Edit menu then Preferences then SQL Editor. The same error still appear & I’m not able to update this value. Please, tell me what is wrong?

23 s

It looks like your MySql session has the safe-updates option set. This means that you can’t update or delete records without specifying a key (ex. primary key) in the where clause.



Or you can modify your query to follow the rule (use primary key in where clause).

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