I’ve got a messages table in MySQL which records messages between users. Apart from the typical ids and message types (all integer types) I need to save the actual message text as either VARCHAR or TEXT. I’m setting a front-end limit of 3000 characters which means the messages would never be inserted into the db as longer than this.

Is there a rationale for going with either VARCHAR(3000) or TEXT? There’s something about just writing VARCHAR(3000) that feels somewhat counter-intuitive. I’ve been through other similar posts on Stack Overflow but would be good to get views specific to this type of common message storing.

8 s

Can you predict how long the user input would be?


Max Length: variable, up to 65,535 bytes (64KB)
Case: user name, email, country, subject, password


Max Length: 65,535 bytes (64KB)
Case: messages, emails, comments, formatted text, html, code, images, links


Max Length: 16,777,215 bytes (16MB)
Case: large json bodies, short to medium length books, csv strings


Max Length: 4,294,967,29 bytes (4GB)
Case: textbooks, programs, years of logs files, harry potter and the goblet of fire, scientific research logging

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