I’m worried about too many files created when adding a new image size.
All uploaded files will generate the new size, I need a specific image size only for the file set as Fetured image, is there some way to do this?.
The thumbnail, medium, etc are ok, but there is no need to create the new size for every file.
I think this should work right after setting the Featured Image.
The question Filter For Featured Image lead to this answer: How to hook update_post_meta and delete_post_meta?.
Coupled with the a fine global variable ($_wp_additional_image_sizes
) revealed here: How to get a list of all the possible thumbnail sizes set within a theme, bring us to the code that catches the “Use as featured image” action click.
This code is fired at each “Use as featured image” click. It then goes through all Additional Image Sizes and deletes them, keeping the default WordPress ones (thumbnail, medium, large).
Test this code throughly before going LIVE.
GPL Code. No warranty granted. Check the comments.
- Setting the Featured Image can be done ONLY ONCE
-- When first setting the FI, all other attachments intermediate sizes will be deleted
-- If swapping the FI, the first image's remaining intermediate will be deleted, and the second DON'T HAVE any additional intermediates!
TODO: Restoring deleted intermediates
- this post may have an answer: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/8082/12615
add_action( 'added_post_meta', 'wpse_57369_selective_delete_intermediates', 10, 4 );
add_action( 'updated_post_meta', 'wpse_57369_selective_delete_intermediates', 10, 4 );
* Catches the "Used as featured image" action
function wpse_57369_selective_delete_intermediates( $meta_id, $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value )
if ( '_thumbnail_id' == $meta_key )
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
* The global holds all additional image sizes and contains this:
['post-thumbnail'] => array(
['width'] => 1000
['height'] => 288
['crop'] => 1
['large-feature'] => array(
['width'] => 1000
['height'] => 288
['crop'] => 1
['small-feature'] => array(
['width'] => 500
['height'] => 300
['crop'] =>
// Populate a new array with single values based on the keys of the global
$all_sizes = array();
foreach ( $_wp_additional_image_sizes as $key => $value )
$all_sizes[] = $key;
// Retrieve all attachments of current post/page/cpt
$all_attachs = get_children( array(
'post_parent' => $post_id,
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_mime_type' => 'image'
// Determine upload path
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();
$path_pos = strpos( $uploads['basedir'], 'wp-content/' ); // start position of the string
$base_path = substr( $uploads['basedir'], 0, $path_pos); // path before wp-content, e.g., /etc/public_html/
// Loop through all attachments
foreach ( $all_attachs as $key => $value )
// This is the featured image
if ( $key == $meta_value)
wpse_57369_delete_files( $key, $all_sizes, $base_path, 'small-feature' );
// Rest of attached images
wpse_57369_delete_files( $key, $all_sizes, $base_path, false );
* Delete all custom intermediates files, except when $keep_size is defined
function wpse_57369_delete_files( $ID, $all_sizes, $base_path, $keep_size=false )
foreach ( $all_sizes as $intermediate )
/* We need to know the image url [0] and if it exists [3] */
$the_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $ID, $intermediate );
/* If additional image exist, go ahead */
if( $the_url[3] )
// Path of the image to be deleted
$url_pos = strpos( $the_url[0], 'wp-content/' );
$url_end = substr( $the_url[0], $url_pos);
// Delete all intermediates
if ( !$keep_size )
// loga( $ID . ' - ' . $intermediate, 'delete-me');
unlink( $base_path . $url_end );
// Featured image, Selective delete
// Delete intermediate
if ( $intermediate != $keep_size )
// loga( $ID . ' - ' . $intermediate, 'delete-me');
unlink( $base_path . $url_end );
// Keep intermediate, no action needed
// loga( $ID . ' - ' . $intermediate, 'keep-me');
function loga()
// This is the FireBug FirePHP console call
// http://www.firephp.org/HQ/Use.html
Folder contents after uploading images, no Feature Image set yet
Folder contents after setting fondo-restauraciones
as the Featured Image
Other Notes
For dealing with ALL extra image sizes (WordPress defaults and custom defined) use:
$all_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
* $all_images contains all intermediate image sizes, WordPress default and declared custom sizes:
[0] => 'thumbnail'
[1] => 'medium'
[2] => 'large'
[3] => 'post-thumbnail'
[4] => 'large-feature'
[5] => 'small-feature'