I’m looking for a way to show a certain pinterest pinboard in a post.

I’ve found in the WordPress.com Documentation that you can simply post your pinboards URL there. This is not possible on a selfhosted WordPress installation so I guess that is something specific to wordpress.com.

What would be the easiest way to add a URL Handler that translates the pinterest URL into the needed embed code and include the pinterest js file?

2 Answers

I found that https://wordpress.org/plugins/pinterest-widgets actually has the needed functionality but doesn’t mention it in the description.

After installing and activating you can add a pinboard to a post by using the following shortcodes

[pin_board url="http://www.pinterest.com/pinterest/pin-pets/"]
[pin_board url="http://www.pinterest.com/pinterest/pin-pets/" size="header"]
[pin_board url="http://www.pinterest.com/pinterest/pin-pets/" size="custom" image_width="100" board_width="900" board_height="450"]

more options can be found on the plugins “settings” page after installing.

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