I would like to know my options for how best to use WordPress as a wiki. I tried Media Wiki, but the sheer amount of changes I need to make to code to make even trivial changes turned me off. Way off.

Googling doesn’t reveal much. What are the best options for using WP as a wiki? (This can be a community question discussing various options.)

In particular, I would like something that addresses:

  • Links to non-existing pages actually link to a “create new page” page
  • Editing pages without going through /wp-admin/ (i.e. the back-end)
  • Searching/listing existing pages when linking (i.e. linking by title, not by URL)

What are my options?

4 Answers

WordPress CMS is for blogging you can do this with it but can make something similar like this with your own logics but i recommend you to use other CMS there are many CMS for wiki also check this top 5.







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