So I completely understand how to use resample, but the documentation does not do a good job explaining the options.

So most options in the resample function are pretty straight forward except for these two:

  • rule : the offset string or object representing target conversion
  • how : string, method for down- or re-sampling, default to ‘mean’

So from looking at as many examples as I found online I can see for rule you can do 'D' for day, 'xMin' for minutes, 'xL' for milliseconds, but that is all I could find.

for how I have seen the following: 'first', np.max, 'last', 'mean', and 'n1n2n3n4...nx' where nx is the first letter of each column index.

So is there somewhere in the documentation that I am missing that displays every option for pandas.resample‘s rule and how inputs? If yes, where because I could not find it. If no, what are all the options for them?

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