Given how WordPress is written and how it interacts with a database and given how its not very much OOP oriented, is there a way to unit test a theme? is there a way unit test a framework (not a theme framework) that interacts with WordPress, that is, for example, can you write a unit test for dealing with the loop, dealing with the widgets?
If so does any one have any examples? I know how to write unit tests, but I have never tried to write one for a theme.
There is nothing stopping you from writing your own unit testing for themes/plugins using PHPUnit or some other testing platform.
As for WordPress, it has an official Unit Tests here:
- (github mirror)
There are several build scripts that can automate unit testing found here, including WP-CLI that have built in unit testing, though you have to obviously write your own code.
I also found this plugin today via scibu’s twitter rant 🙂
There are a few more in the repo:
Also check out this: Tutorials for Unit-Testing in WordPress and for