I am trying to create one basic plugin where I want to create my own action hook. Here is the code for the same.

Plugin Name: Demo Plugin
Version: 1.0


Now after activating this plugin I want to use this action hook in my current theme’s function.php file, code for the same is as below:


function action_demo()
    echo "I am inside";

Now the problem is my hooked action never gets called, we can see that do_action is called unconditionally so it will be called on each page load but it never gets into “action_demo” method.

What I have figured out far is plugin is loaded before my theme’e function.php file is executed. So here do_action is called first and then add_action.

A hint would be really appreciated.


Below plugin action works.

Plugin Name: Demo Plugin
Version: 1.0


function action_demo()
    echo "I am Inside";

1 Answer

Your plugin needs to wait for the themes functions.php file to be loaded. Try this:

Plugin Name: Demo Plugin
Version: 1.0

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', function() {
    do_action( 'basic_action_demo' );
} );

The after_setup_theme hook is run immediately after functions.php is loaded.

Update for your comment below.
In your plugin create a function for your form:

Plugin Name: Demo Plugin
Version: 1.0

function output_my_form () {
    echo "I'm a form";
    // do your action here
    do_action( 'basic_action_demo' );

Then in your theme’s functions.php:

if ( function_exists( 'output_my_form' ) ) {

This is a simple example. In reality you would want to call that function from a form.php in your theme.

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