Plugin screenshots not showing in the repository

I’m having major trouble getting the screenshots to show in my plugin.

I have validated the readme file and placed the screenshots in both the /trunk and /tags/1.0 directories (1.0 is stable). I have looked at many search results and quite a few existing plugins to see what I’m doing different but I’m failing to see what, if anything, I am doing wrong.

The output of running pngcheck is

$ pngcheck trunk/*.png
OK: trunk/screenshot-1.png (1418x761, 24-bit RGB, non-interlaced, 98.4%).
OK: trunk/screenshot-2.png (699x373, 24-bit RGB, non-interlaced, 77.6%).
OK: trunk/screenshot-3.png (370x701, 24-bit RGB, non-interlaced, 70.1%).
OK: trunk/screenshot-4.png (935x331, 24-bit RGB, non-interlaced, 93.8%).

No errors were detected in 4 of the 4 files tested.

The plugin repo is at
The screenshots section of the WP plugin page just displays the description of the plugin

Obviously any help is appreciated and until then I’ll just have to live without screenshots on my plugin page.

2 Answers

If it’s the first time you are using the assets folder, do not forget to:

svn add assets/*

and commit the updates. 😉

I was wondering why my banner image / screenshots were not showing and realized I didn’t even add them to SVN!


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