When creating plug-ins for WordPress, there are times when you need to make a settings panel. Sometimes, you need more than one page, and they can be quite complicated.

So far, I have been programming/coding them alone. I try to make most of the WordPress original Admin design, but for sophisticated panels, I get a spaghetti of PHP and HTML code.
Also, every time, I have to write code that gets the data submitted by the user, analyses and saves it, and return a response.

What solution are you using for your plugins? Are you using a template engine, or just mixing PHP code with HTML? Are there ready framework that offers such a solution?


I found the solution to this problem. It’s provided by WordPress, and it’s very simple and intuitive. This blog post describes how to use the settings API which allows to create a settings/option page with ease.

1 Answer

There are indeed some frameworks

  • WP Alchemy
  • Rilwis Meta Box Class
  • etc… google will lead your way, as well as the in site search for both packages.

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