Plugins won’t update when WordPress says they’re updated

In a WordPress 3.5.1 network, I have six plugins which have updates available:

  • AddThis Follow Widget
  • AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
  • AddThis Welcome Bar
  • Jetpack by
  • Visual Form Builder
  • WordPress SEO

I select them, press Update, WordPress loads through it’s update procedure:

The update process is starting. This process may take a while on some
hosts, so please be patient.

Enabling Maintenance mode…

All updates have been completed.

and then I see that I still have 6 updates available, and the updates have not been applied to these 6 plugins.

I have not made any changes to WordPress, and deactivating plugins does not resolve this.

I receive no errors, and the hosting plan we’re on is unlimited disk space.

4 Answers

did you install memcached or apc plugin? If you did, remove them and try it. Probably its caching problem.

Update: I am not sure if this is your case but i was facing this problem when i try to use apc for opcode caching. Basically main problem is fcgi prosesses are not using same cache pool. Here is more details: What can i suggest: dont use opcode cache or use memcached for opcode caching.

Update2: It seems we are getting another alternative to apc.. Optimizer+:

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