This one is pretty weird.

This code:


Displays right ID every time excepting the blog page (the page set as blog on /wp-admin/options-reading.php).

On that page $post->ID returns the ID of first blog post for given page.

Now, the tricky part, I’ve tried to remove all the loops from all my pages, totally erased loop.php file, disabled all the widgets that might have been affecting $post and it still returns the wrong ID.

Any hints?

My index.php is pretty standard:

<?php get_header();?> 

    <?php get_template_part( 'loop', 'index' ); ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

And the loop.php is:

<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>

Maybe the problem is I’m trying to get the ID in header.php?

And yes, wp_reset_postdata() doesn’t seem to help as well :/

1 Answer

On that page $post->ID returns the ID of first blog post for given

That is how it works. $post is set to the first post in the Loop. On single posts and pages that is the same as the post or page. On archive pages it is the first post in the result set. And if you think about that, both are really the same thing. Single posts and pages only have one result in the set which happens to match the post or page that you expect.

Now, the tricky part, I’ve tried to remove all the loops from all my
pages, totally erased loop.php file, disabled all the widgets that
might have been affecting $post and it still returns the wrong ID.

The main query runs before your template loads and $post is set in that process. Removing things from the template won’t change that.

Any hints?

Yes. Don’t rely on $post except inside a proper Loop. If you need information about the page itself use:

$pobj = get_queried_object();
var_dump($pobj); // debugging



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