I’ve noticed that in a WordPress MU install with domain mapping enabled, some functions return URIs that don’t use the current WPMU site’s primary domain name which possibly means they are “WPMU Domain Mapped-ignorant functions” (a little harsh, I know).
What can I do to ensure the primary domain of the current WPMU site is used in returned URIs when I call these kinds of functions, in an effort towards referencing assets (js, css, img, etc) in a canonical, siloed manner?
A quick example being the following:
$ft_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full');
So in this example $ft_img[0]
would have the same URI for every subsite in a WPMU network, using the base site’s siteurl
when it should be subsite-specific.