Is there any way to prevent WordPress from cropping files based on their file extension.
Actually, I want to disable cropping for GIF files because after cropping GIF image…
- GiF image does not remain animated
- Even it does remain animated, I will not be using those small GIF sizes.
So is there any way to disable thumbnail generation (for GIF) based on what file extension a image have.
Unsetting sizes can normally be done easily via intermediate_image_sizes_advanced
hook. The only problem is, there is only the $sizes
array available, so this sufficient for a general level, but not if you want to do this conditionally. The information needed to do it conditionally can be gathered with debug_backtrace
– debug_backtrace
is performance-wise somewhat expensive though. Anyhow, I imagine it could be done like shown below:
function wpse162413_unset_sizes_if_gif( $sizes ) {
// we're only having the sizes available
// we're using debug_backtrace to get additional information
$dbg_back = debug_backtrace();
// scan $dbg_back array for function and get $args
foreach ( $dbg_back as $sub ) {
if ( $sub[ 'function'] == 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata' ) {
$args = $sub[ 'args' ];
// attachment id
$att_id = $args[0];
// attachment path
$att_path = $args[1];
// split up file information
$pathinfo = pathinfo( $att_path );
// if extension is gif unset sizes
if ( $pathinfo[ 'extension' ] == 'gif' ) {
// get all intermediate sizes
$intermediate_image_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes();
// loop trough the intermediate sizes array
foreach ( $intermediate_image_sizes as $size ) {
// unset the size in the sizes array
unset( $sizes[ $size ] );
// return sizes
return $sizes;