Post and page guids include the full absolute URL of my site (e.g. This causes a problem if the domain, or wordpress path changes, or if I’m viewing the site via its IP address rather its domain, etc.

Problem 1: there are some internal links on my site that are using the guid. I’m guessing this is wrong and I should rewrite the template code to remove references to the guid – correct?

Problem 2: images are inserted into a post using their absolute URL, rather than a relative one. This seems short-sighted, but I’m wondering if there’s a reasonable reason for that. Is there a way to change that behaviour?

4 s

1) The GUID is exactly that — a GUID. It’s used to uniquely identify the post. If you need to link to a post, then use get_permalink( $post_ID ) ($post_ID is optional) (link: get_permalink).

2) Not without a plugin, no. There’s talk of using an image shortcode for 3.1 though, or maybe 3.2.

In the meantime, you can try using an alpha version of my Regenerate Thumbnails plugin:

It’ll go through all of your posts and update all image tags.

Make sure you back up your database first though. The code is alpha and not guaranteed to work, although I have tested it quite a bit.

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