Proper Repository Pattern Design in PHP?

Preface: I’m attempting to use the repository pattern in an MVC architecture with relational databases.

I’ve recently started learning TDD in PHP, and I’m realizing that my database is coupled much too closely with the rest of my application. I’ve read about repositories and using an IoC container to “inject” it into my controllers. Very cool stuff. But now have some practical questions about repository design. Consider the follow example.


class DbUserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface
    protected $db;

    public function __construct($db)
        $this->db = $db;

    public function findAll()

    public function findById($id)

    public function findByName($name)

    public function create($user)

    public function remove($user)

    public function update($user)

Issue #1: Too many fields

All of these find methods use a select all fields (SELECT *) approach. However, in my apps, I’m always trying to limit the number of fields I get, as this often adds overhead and slows things down. For those using this pattern, how do you deal with this?

Issue #2: Too many methods

While this class looks nice right now, I know that in a real-world app I need a lot more methods. For example:

  • findAllByNameAndStatus
  • findAllInCountry
  • findAllWithEmailAddressSet
  • findAllByAgeAndGender
  • findAllByAgeAndGenderOrderByAge
  • Etc.

As you can see, there could be a very, very long list of possible methods. And then if you add in the field selection issue above, the problem worsens. In the past I’d normally just put all this logic right in my controller:


class MyController
    public function users()
        $users = User::select('name, email, status')

        return View::make('users', array('users' => $users));

With my repository approach, I don’t want to end up with this:


class MyController
    public function users()
        $users = $this->repo->get_first_name_last_name_email_username_status_by_country_order_by_name('Canada');

        return View::make('users', array('users' => $users))


Issue #3: Impossible to match an interface

I see the benefit in using interfaces for repositories, so I can swap out my implementation (for testing purposes or other). My understanding of interfaces is that they define a contract that an implementation must follow. This is great until you start adding additional methods to your repositories like findAllInCountry(). Now I need to update my interface to also have this method, otherwise, other implementations may not have it, and that could break my application. By this feels insane…a case of the tail wagging the dog.

Specification Pattern?

This leads me to believe that repository should only have a fixed number of methods (like save(), remove(), find(), findAll(), etc). But then how do I run specific lookups? I’ve heard of the Specification Pattern, but it seems to me that this only reduces an entire set of records (via IsSatisfiedBy()), which clearly has major performance issues if you’re pulling from a database.


Clearly, I need to rethink things a little when working with repositories. Can anyone enlighten on how this is best handled?

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