I have to get specific page content (like page(12))
I used that :
<?php $id=47; $post = get_page($id); echo $post->post_content; ?>
Work nice execpt for compatibility with qtranslate it return french and english text
But the loop is fine, return only the good language version
<?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div id="post">
<?php the_content(); ?>
</div> <!-- .post -->
So the question…. HOW to get a specific page content insite the loop…
4 s
Just to clarify:
You mixed two things here. qTranslate stores the different languages in the same post. If you call get_content()
, $post->content
or an other direct query, you will get the whole content with all different languages from the database.
What qTranslates do, it creates a filter-hook which is attached to the_content
hook. If somebody call the_content()
in a page template, all other languages will be filtered out.
So you’re right. To filter the other languages, you have to apply the filter-hook the_content
to your output.