I don’t quite get why this isn’t working. I’m trying to use the following to only show posts from the current year on the front page:

<?php query_posts( "&year=$current_year&order=DESC"); ?>

Yet it still shows posts from 2012 (they weren’t actually made in 2012, but I set the publish date to one of the posts that’s showing to Feb of last year)

According to the documentation, that’s how I should be doing it. Can anyone shed any light?


2 Answers

You just need get current date and add it on data_query in wp_query, Look this:


$getdate = getdate();
$args = array(
    'date_query' => array(
            'year'  => $getdate["year"]
$query = new WP_Query( $args );


and then use loop:


if ( $query->have_posts() ): while ( $query->have_posts() ) : $query->the_post();


endwhile; endif;


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