query_posts() in function makes global $wp_query out of sync?

This has me stumped for a while already. Either I am missing something very obvious or something very not obvious. I am also not entirely sure if this has something to do with WP or purely PHP mechanics at work.

function test() {

    global $wp_query;

    var_dump($wp_query == $GLOBALS['wp_query']);

function test2() {

    global $wp_query;

    query_posts(array('posts_per_page' => 1));
    var_dump($wp_query == $GLOBALS['wp_query']);



boolean true

boolean false

Why does test() evaluates that to true, but test2() evaluates that to false?

2 Answers

Update with a better example

header( 'Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8' );
error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );

function failed_unset()
{   // Copy the variable to the local namespace.
    global $foo;

    // Change the value.
    $foo = 2;

    // Remove the variable.
    unset ( $foo );
function successful_unset()
    // Remove the global variable
    unset ( $GLOBALS['foo'] );

$foo = 1;
print "Original: $foo\n";
print "After failed_unset(): $foo\n";
print "After successful_unset(): $foo\n";


Original: 1
After failed_unset(): 2

Notice: Undefined variable: foo in /srv/www/htdocs/global-unset.php on line 21

Call Stack:
    0.0004     318712   1. {main}() /srv/www/htdocs/global-unset.php:0

After successful_unset():

unset() doesn’t know anything about the global scope in the first function; the variable was just copied to the local namespace.

Old answer

From wp-includes/query.php:

function &query_posts($query) {
    $GLOBALS['wp_query'] =& new WP_Query();
    return $GLOBALS['wp_query']->query($query);

Do you see it?

BTW: Someone has made a nice flowchart about this very topic. 😉


query_posts() changes $GLOBALS while all references to the variable $wp_query that you made available per global are not affected by unset. That’s one reason to prefer $GLOBALS (besides readability).

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