I am getting -bash: react-native: command not found error while creating a react-native project.

Below are the additional info

1. brew --version
   homebrew 0.9.9
2  brew info watchman
   watchman `enter code here`stable 4.50
3. brew info flow
   stable 0.24.1
4. brew info node
   stable 6.1.0
5. npm -version
6. echo $PATH

I tried the suggested steps from this link but I am still getting the same error.

I don’t have any “npm” directory which they have specified in the solution

Ashoks-MacBook-Pro:share Ashok$ ls
aclocal     doc     info        ruby-build  zsh
autoconf    emacs       man     systemtap

But I found npm file exists in the below location.


I uninstalled react-native and installed it again but I am still facing the same issue.

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