I’m normally quite the techie (look at my SF account!) but it turns out I know nothing about WordPress and in doing so have sabotaged my wife’s blog.
As a family we have a hosting package through Namecheap who also manage my domains, I’m fine with the whole DNS thing.
They provide web hosting via /public_html and using their cpanel I installed WordPress in single site mode into a /public_html/wife’s name
This all went great for months until my daughter asked for a site, I then followed the instructions to convert it to a multisite but something went wrong, after a bit of faffing about with .htaccess I managed to get it working again – except it won’t allow for photo upgrades and I still have a more-moody-than-normal teen on my hands.
What I’d really like to do is somehow backup all of my wife’s posts, config, photos etc. including the DB, wipe the whole installation, reinstall as multisite and restore it all.
What’s the chances of that working and if so what would be my first steps. Again sorry that this seems so amateur, it’s really not the kind of thing I normally do.