In the wordpress theme I am developing I inserted some code to display links to the previous and next posts which appears at the bottom of each post. The code looks like this..

<?php previous_post_link(); ?>
<?php next_post_link(); ?>

The problem is that these arrows << and >> appear next to them. Does anyone know how to get rid of them? Any help will be appreciated.

1 Answer

You should have to look at what the codex says about

previous_post_link( $format, $link, $in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms="", $taxonomy = 'category' )


next_post_link( $format, $link, $in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms="", $taxonomy = 'category' )

Both have the same parameters, the first parameter $format is the important one to have a look at here

Format string for the link. This is where to control what comes before and after the link. ‘%link’ in string will be replaced with whatever is declared as ‘link’ (see next parameter). ‘Go to %link’ will generate “Go to

Default: '&laquo; %link'

If you need to remove the &laquo;, you can just simply override it like this

<?php previous_post_link('%link'); ?>


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