I am creating a child theme. I noticed my parent theme is adding some inline CSS in its functions.php:

wp_add_inline_style( 'persona-style-css', $custom_css );

Since I cannot change some values there, is it possible to dequeue it? I have tried to dequeue it using wp_dequeue_style ('persona-style-css') but it didn’t really help.

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

If wp_add_inline_css is fired within an action you can use remove_action with the same parameters.

You also might use wp_enqueue_scripts action to dequeue any scripts or styles in a proper way. But, inline style are not included in the $wp_styles global, you can unset them with the action print_styles_array, you need to know the handle name to unset it.

Hope it gives you some hints to make it works.

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