I want to hide/remove the Personal Options in the Your Profile (wp-admin/profile.php) admin page.

I am aware that solutions for this exist, but I they use jQuery to do hide this section. This works, but when a user has JavaScript disabled in their browser, it will show up again. Therefore it is not a proper way to remove Personal Options.

Is there a way to remove the Personal Options section from the HTML source of the page? This means no jQuery or CSS hacks, or core file modification.


This should do the trick

// removes the `profile.php` admin color scheme options
remove_action( 'admin_color_scheme_picker', 'admin_color_scheme_picker' );

if ( ! function_exists( 'cor_remove_personal_options' ) ) {
   * Removes the leftover 'Visual Editor', 'Keyboard Shortcuts' and 'Toolbar' options.
  function cor_remove_personal_options( $subject ) {
    $subject = preg_replace( '#<h3>Personal Options</h3>.+?/table>#s', '', $subject, 1 );
    return $subject;

  function cor_profile_subject_start() {
    ob_start( 'cor_remove_personal_options' );

  function cor_profile_subject_end() {
add_action( 'admin_head-profile.php', 'cor_profile_subject_start' );
add_action( 'admin_footer-profile.php', 'cor_profile_subject_end' );

Also, don’t forget to mark your previous questions as solved 🙂


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