I use insert_with_markers in a couple of my plugins to add some small bits of code to the htaccess file. What I’m unclear about is how to remove the code and markers.

For example, if I call the function like this:-

insert_with_markers($htaccess, "marker","RewriteBase /foobar");

The result in htaccess is:-

# BEGIN marker
RewriteBase /foobar
# END marker

I can use insert_with_markers, with an empty string, like so:-

insert_with_markers($htaccess, "marker","");

Which removes all the code, but the markers remain, like this:-

# BEGIN marker

# END marker

Does anybody know of a clean way to remove the markers as well?… that doesn’t involve filtering the htaccess file with regex? I would like to be able to uninstall my plugins and remove all the traces if possible.

2 Answers

If you know the exact code that is inserted, then read the htaccess file with a function that contains fread command, and do a search for your inserted text, replacing the found text with an empty string. Then fwrite the text to the htaccess file.

If you are just looking for a way to remove the # BEGIN MARKER / # END MARKER text, then use the same process.


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