Removing colors from output

I have some script that produces output with colors and I need to remove the ANSI codes.


exec > >(tee log)   # redirect the output to a file but keep it on stdout
exec 2>&1


The output is (in log file):

java (pid  12321) is running...@[60G[@[0;32m  OK  @[0;39m]

I didn’t know how to put the ESC character here, so I put @ in its place.

I changed the script into:


exec > >(tee log)   # redirect the output to a file but keep it on stdout
exec 2>&1

./somescript | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g"

But now it gives me (in log file):

java (pid  12321) is running...@[60G[  OK  ]

How can I also remove this ‘@[60G?

Maybe there is a way to completely disable coloring for the entire script?

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