For version control purpose, our client has a WordPress app with directory structure like this:

|  |_____themes
|  |_____plugins
|  |_____uploads

In wp-config.php:

define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', __DIR__ . '/app');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', WP_HOME . '/app');

Now, she want to rename all default WordPress folders in app directory.

With plugins and themes we can do it easily by using WP_PLUGIN_DIR and register_theme_directory(). But, somehow, it’s not easy to rename uploads folder.

I have tried many modifications with UPLOADS constant, but it can’t help because custom uploads folder is always created inside WordPress directory.

Are there any ways to workaround this problem?

2 s

After digging around, I ended up with using upload_dir filter.

Here is what I tried in functions.php to change uploads to media. Hope it can help someone too 🙂

 add_filter('upload_dir', function($uploads)
     $custom = [];

     foreach ($uploads as $key => $value) {
         if ( false !== strpos($value, '/app/uploads') ) {
             $custom[$key] = str_replace('/app/uploads', '/app/media', $value);
         } else {
             $custom[$key] = $value;

     return $custom;

Many thanks to @gmazzap for the guidelines and the suggestion about upload_dir filter!

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