
I have a <select> where one of its <option>’s text values is very long. I want the <select> to resize so it is never wider than its parent, even if it has to cut off its displayed text. max-width: 100% should do that.

Before resize:

the page before resize, showing the whole <code>select</code>

What I want after resize:

my desired page after resize, with the <code>select</code> clipping its contents

But if you load this jsFiddle example and resize the Result panel’s width to be smaller than that of the <select>, you can see that the select inside the <fieldset> fails to scale its width down.

What I’m actually seeing after resize:

my current page after resize, with a scroll bar

However, the equivalent page with a <div> instead of a <fieldset> does scale properly. You can see that and test your changes more easily if you have a <fieldset> and a <div> next to each other on one page. And if you delete the surrounding <fieldset> tags, the resizing works. The <fieldset> tag is somehow causing horizontal resizing to break.

The <fieldset> acts is as if there is a CSS rule fieldset { min-width: min-content; }. (min-content means, roughly, the smallest width that doesn’t cause a child to overflow.) If I replace the <fieldset> with a <div> with min-width: min-content, it looks exactly the same. Yet there is no rule with min-content in my styles, in the browser default stylesheet, or visible in Firebug’s CSS Inspector. I tried to override every style visible on the <fieldset> in Firebug’s CSS Inspector and in Firefox’s default stylesheet forms.css, but that didn’t help. Specifically overriding min-width and width didn’t do anything either.


HTML of the fieldset:

    <div class="wrapper">
        <select id="section" name="section">
            <option value="-1"></option>
            <option value="1501" selected="selected">Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</option>
            <option value="1480">Subcontractor</option>
            <option value="3181">Valley</option>
            <option value="3180">Ventura</option>
            <option value="3220">Very Newest Section</option>
            <option value="1481">Visitor</option>
            <option value="3200">N/A</option>

My CSS that should be working but isn’t:

fieldset {
    /* hide fieldset-specific visual features: */
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    border: none;

select {
    max-width: 100%;

Resetting the width properties to the defaults does nothing:

fieldset {
    width: auto;
    min-width: 0;
    max-width: none;

Further CSS in which I try and fail to fix the problem:

/* try lots of things to fix the width, with no success: */
fieldset {
    display: block;
    min-width: 0;
    max-width: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    text-overflow: clip;

div.wrapper {
    width: 100%;

select {
    overflow: hidden;

More details

The problem also occurs in this more comprehensive, more complicated jsFiddle example, which is more similar to the web page I’m actually trying to fix. You can see from that that the <select> is not the problem – an inline-block div also fails to resize. Though this example is more complicated, I assume that the fix for the simple case above will also fix this more complicated case.

[Edit: see browser support details below.]

One curious thing about this problem is that if you set div.wrapper { width: 50%; }, the <fieldset> stops resizing itself at the point then the full-size <select> would have hit the edge of the viewport. The resizing happens as if the <select> has width: 100%, even though the <select> looks like it has width: 50%.

after resize with 50%-width wrapper div

If you give the <select> itself width: 50%, that behavior does not occur; the width is simply correctly set.

after resize with 50%-width select

I don’t understand the reason for that difference. But it may not be relevant.

I also found the very similar question HTML fieldset allows children to expand indefinitely. The asker couldn’t find a solution and guesses that there is no solution apart from removing the <fieldset>. But I’m wondering, if it really is impossible to make the <fieldset> display right, why is that? What in <fieldset>’s spec or default CSS (as of this question) causes this behavior? This special behavior is probably be documented somewhere, since multiple browsers work like this.

Background goal and requirements

The reason I’m trying to do this is as part of writing mobile styles for an existing page with a big form. The form has multiple sections, and one part of it is wrapped in a <fieldset>. On a smartphone (or if you make your browser window small), the part of the page with the <fieldset> is much wider than the rest of the form. Most of the form constrains its width just fine, but the section with the <fieldset> does not, forcing the user to zoom out or scroll right to see all of that section.

I’m wary of simply removing the <fieldset>, as it is generated on many pages in a big app, and I’m not sure what selectors in CSS or JavaScript might depend on it.

I can use JavaScript if I need to, and a JavaScript solution is better than nothing. But if JavaScript is the only way to do this, I’d be curious to hear an explanation for why this is not possible using only CSS and HTML.

Edit: browser support

On the site, I need to support Internet Explorer 8 and later (we just dropped support for IE7), the latest Firefox, and the latest Chrome. This particular page should also work on iOS and Android smartphones. Slightly degraded but still usable behavior is acceptable for Internet Explorer 8.

I retested my broken fieldset example on different browsers. It actually already works in these browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10
  • Chrome
  • Chrome for Android

It breaks in these browsers:

  • Firefox
  • Firefox for Android
  • Internet Explorer 7

Thus, the only browser I care about that the current code breaks in is Firefox (on both desktop and mobile). If the code were fixed so it worked in Firefox without breaking it in any other browsers, that would solve my problem.

The site HTML template uses Internet Explorer conditional comments to add classes such .ie8 and .oldie to the <html> element. You can use those classes in your CSS if you need to work around styling differences in IE. The classes added are the same as in this old version of HTML5 Boilerplate.

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