For some reason my RSS feed is repeating the site title twice without a space, obviously quite annoying.

BlognameBlogname for example.

Is there any hook i can use to have a custom title for the RSS Feed?

So i could have a title ‘This is My RSS Feed for Blogname’ or anything i wanted?

Is this possible or am i stuck with the double name.

Thanks for any help.

2 Answers

Edited: Bad answer removed.

Here is the working code:

function custom_blogname_rss($val, $show) {
    if( 'name' == $show )
        $out="Custom Blog Name";
        $out = $val;

    return $out;
add_filter('bloginfo_rss','custom_blogname_rss', 10, 2);

Don’t forget to change Custom Blog Name to something useful.

Put that code into a plugin.


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