I am able to get articles as RSS feed from below url
I am also able to get articles from BlogSpot with specific keywords as below
I have tried to get articles from filtering with specific KEYWORD in wordpress blog but I am not able to get. What can be the URL.
I am very much newbie to wordpress.
You can modify the list of posts displayed in feed using pre_get_posts
action. And to target only feeds, you can use is_feed
conditional tag.
So such code can look like this:
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function ( $query ) {
if ( ! is_admin() && is_feed() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
if ( isset($_GET['q']) && trim($_GET['q']) ) {
$query->set( 's', trim($_GET['q']) );
} );
This way you can go to example.com/feed/?q=KEYWORD
and you’ll get filtered feed (be careful – most browsers are caching feeds, so you’ll have to force them to refresh it).