I am running a theme on WordPress. In this theme, I am making some AJAX calls where I am expecting some response. (http://example.com/capis/v0/packages/)
To serve above http calls I am using silex as http server.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Silex\Application;
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->POST('/capis/v0/packages/', function(Application $app, Request $request) {
# logic
return new Response('HELLO');
I am using php to run a server on 8080 port which is serving data to ajax calls.
php -S localhost:8080 -t web web/index.php
Now I want to serve these Ajax calls from using WordPress only. I do not want to run specific php server.
There’s little that you can do with the Silex server that can’t be done through WordPress but it takes a bit of effort to get WP to respond to AJAX calls.
The first step is to make the call available through AJAX. This requires adding a line to your functions.php file similar to
add_action('wp_ajax_my_ajax_call', 'onno_update_my_ajax_call');
if this call will be made for guests and customers (i.e. not ADMIN), you’ll also need the line.
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_my_ajax_call', 'my_ajax_call');
which does the same thing but is more inclusive.
The next step is to create the ajax calls. You don’t give an example of such a call so all I can do is advise you to look at the docs for $wpdb. WP has a comprehensive set of calls for retrieving info from the database and for complex queries, you can always use $wpdb->query() which will run arbitrary SQL for you.
The AJAX logic goes in the function my_ajax_call() and the result should be placed into an array or object. The final line of your function should be a call to wp_send_json_success($return) where $return is the object/array of information to be returned.
Using this system, I’ve been able to add pages to the wp_admin section to allow shop owners to build purchase orders for restocking from WooCommerce data and a side-load gallery for variations (Woo only allows a gallery for the parent).
Here’s a quick example:
function my_ajax_call() {
$return['data'] = date('Y-m-d');
And then in the javascript, more steps are necessary. For one thing, you’ll need the WP AJAX URL which is usually /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
but can vary somewhat. It’s often made available to Javascript as the global ajaxurl or might be tucked away in another object like woocommerce.ajaxurl
. You’ll need to construct a Javascript object with an action element that points to your function and any other variables you might need to pass to the AJAX call. For example:
data = {'action':'my_ajax_call'}
data = {'action':'my_ajax_call', 'todo':'getDate'}
data: data,
success: function(trn) {$('#data').html(trn.data)}