Safely limiting Ansible playbooks to a single machine?

I’m using Ansible for some simple user management tasks with a small group of computers. Currently, I have my playbooks set to hosts: all and my hosts file is just a single group with all machines listed:

# file: hosts

I’ve found myself frequently having to target a single machine. The ansible-playbook command can limit plays like this:

ansible-playbook --limit imac-2.local user.yml

But that seems kind of fragile, especially for a potentially destructive playbook. Leaving out the limit flag means the playbook would be run everywhere. Since these tools only get used occasionally, it seems worth taking steps to foolproof playback so we don’t accidentally nuke something months from now.

Is there a best practice for limiting playbook runs to a single machine? Ideally the playbooks should be harmless if some important detail was left out.

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