Send email when a new post is published [closed]

I’m looking for a method, or plugin, that will allow me to do the following:

  1. User can signup to a ‘notifications’ email list
  2. When a new post is published on the site, users on this list are automatically emailed a notification

This is for site visitors as opposed to administrators or registered users.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

3 s

I haven’t used it yet, but you can accomplish this with Jetpack, which is made (at least partially) by the founders of WordPress.

The advantage is that it uses the servers to handle the outgoing mail. This is a big plus because shared servers have throttling limits that only allow you to send a certain amount of e-mails in a given time frame (usually an hour). You don’t have to worry about the IP of your own servers ending up blacklisted if anyone marks the e-mails as spam instead of unsubscribing.

Check it out, there are other features to it as well.

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