Im currently trying to make my backend work with multiple languages.
Im using qTranslate as my translation plugin.

So far I have accomplished a custom option page with multi-language support. When you click on a different language (in qTranslate on the sidebar) you will get a new options page with prepared option-variables

show(option_textarea) -> 'english backend' -> show(option_textarea_en)
(saving under the same variable possible)

So, if I use one of the options in my template im just accessing the option with the current active language

give(option_logo) -> 'german page viewing' -> return option_logo_de

This also works on the widget-page-side. EXCEPT, when I’m switching my current language in the backend each widget gets the status ‘unused’ and I have to manually put in the widgets again. They don’t exist for the current active language and are not faved. So in general I can only set widgets for one language at a time. The widgets from the other language i have set are dropped then. How can I deactivate this behaviour?

What I need is a fixed widget-editing system that works the same way as my options. Maybe there is a workaround for this problem?

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

I don’t know how qTraslate works, but you can pass filters to Widget Logic , you basically duplicate each widget, one for each language. I have used this technique with WPML to show widgets in separate languages that can sometimes be difficult ( such as when they make direct DB queries).

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