I am writing a project in Django and I see that 80% of the code is in the file models.py. This code is confusing and, after a certain time, I cease to understand what is really happening.

Here is what bothers me:

  1. I find it ugly that my model level (which was supposed to be
    responsible only for the work with data from a database) is also
    sending email, walking on API to other services, etc.
  2. Also, I find it unacceptable to place business logic in the view, because
    this way it becomes difficult to control. For example, in my
    application there are at least three ways to create new
    instances of User, but technically it should create them uniformly.
  3. I do not always notice when the methods and
    properties of my models become non-deterministic and when they develop
    side effects.

Here is a simple example. At first, the User model was like this:

class User(db.Models):

    def get_present_name(self):
        return self.name or 'Anonymous'

    def activate(self):

Over time, it turned into this:

class User(db.Models):

    def get_present_name(self): 
        # property became non-deterministic in terms of database
        # data is taken from another service by api
        return remote_api.request_user_name(self.uid) or 'Anonymous' 

    def activate(self):
        # method now has a side effect (send message to user)
        send_mail('Your account is activated!', '…', [self.email])

What I want is to separate entities in my code:

  1. Entities of my database, persistence level: What data does my application keep?
  2. Entities of my application, business logic level: What does my application do?

What are the good practices to implement such an approach that can be applied in Django?

10 s

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