The WordPress Codex points to an extremely simple way to change the URL of the wp-content directory, which is, adding this in wp-config.php:
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
And that does the job of serving most of the JavaScript and CSS files on my website from the different domain, except two.
The reason is very clear — these JavaScript files are served from within the wp-includes directory, which is not affected by the aforementioned rule.
So, is there a similar or simple method to have them served from
i.e. the domain of my choice? or is unregistering and enqueuing the scripts from a custom URL (done in functions.php) the only way?
Okay, I’ve tried numerous (literally) codes and methods, and failed miserably. So, like I said in the question, the only safe way seems to be re-registering (unregistering and enqueuing) the scripts.
The Scripts:
Should be served from:
Code in functions.php:
function wpse56742_register_script(){
//Register and enqueue Comment Reply script
wp_register_script('comment-reply', '', false, false);
wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
//Re-register quicktags script
wp_register_script('quicktags', '', false, false, true);
wp_localize_script( 'quicktags', 'quicktagsL10n', array(
'wordLookup' => __('Enter a word to look up:'),
'dictionaryLookup' => esc_attr(__('Dictionary lookup')),
'lookup' => esc_attr(__('lookup')),
'closeAllOpenTags' => esc_attr(__('Close all open tags')),
'closeTags' => esc_attr(__('close tags')),
'enterURL' => __('Enter the URL'),
'enterImageURL' => __('Enter the URL of the image'),
'enterImageDescription' => __('Enter a description of the image'),
'fullscreen' => __('fullscreen'),
'toggleFullscreen' => esc_attr( __('Toggle fullscreen mode') ),
'textdirection' => esc_attr( __('text direction') ),
'toggleTextdirection' => esc_attr( __('Toggle Editor Text Direction') )
wp_enqueue_script( 'quicktags' );
As for the code used in wp_localize_script, I got it straight from trunk (you can also get it for your WP version, for example, for WP 3.4, the link would be
FAQ: Why is quicktags.js loaded in the front-end in the first place? Because I am using the plugin — Basic Comment Quicktags