I am following a WordPress book and am trying to create a plugin and have got an option page showing.

In this page I have two text fields (which values are stored in one array). I am trying to add custom validation (for example if empty). The validation is set in the third argument in the register_setting function.

The book however, does not have any examples of any kind of possible validation (just using WordPress functions to sanitize the input).

To get the error messages showing I followed this link: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_settings_error

So in the validation function I have made something like this:

if( $input['field_1'] == '' ) {

    $message = __( 'Error message for field 1.' );

        esc_attr( 'settings_updated' ),

} else {
    $input['field_1'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['field_1'];

if( $input['field_2'] == '' ) {

    $message = __( 'Error message for field 2.' );

        esc_attr( 'settings_updated' ),

} else {
     $input['field_2'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['field_2']

return $input;

What I am stuck on is how to NOT update that value if it hits a error condition. What I have currently for example with a empty value will display the correct error message but will still update the value to empty.

Is there any way to pass through the old values to that function so I can set the value to the old one if it meets the error condition eg:

if( $input['field_1'] != '' ) {

    $message = __( 'Error message for field 1.' );

        esc_attr( 'settings_updated' ),

    $input['field_1'] = "OLD VALUE";

} else {
    $input['field_1'] = sanitize_text_field( $input['field_1'];

Or if I am approaching this in the wrong way if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

2 Answers

Looks like your validation argument is negative.

if ($foo != "") { //means if foo not equal to empty space
  // do something when not empty
  // here you are setting an error
} else {
  // do something when empty
  // here you are trying to do your normal operation

You are setting an error when you have data and then trying to process data when you have none.

try changing your != to ==

or change the order in which you process things in the if

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