Is anyone aware of some functionality to share the revenue among the users of a Multisite?

A multisite lets other people create and mainatain their own blogs. The Multisite owner should able to share some percentage, say N% (like 20%) of revenue on the sub-sites hosted.


You are that owner of a Multisite on and offer blogs to your
“friends” User1, User2 and so on.
User1 and User2 use adsense or adbrite
on their blog. The functionality would
ensure that you get 20% from the
revenue they earn.

I have seen the author-advertising-plugin (WordPress Plugin) which shares the revenue within a single site among multiple authors. I do not know if it supports Multisite because for me it would be better. If I have the possibility to share the revenue Multisite-wide. I would like to know If that plugin suits perfectly to Multisite installation or not.

3 Answers

This plugin does it: (it is a paid membership site).

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