Is there any way to share ‘templates’ between JS and WordPress?
For instance, this sort of modest seat-of-the-pants templating feels ok:
var AJAXSuccessFunc = function(data){ // calling this on ajax.success
var title =;
var content =;
var string = '<h1>' + title + '</h1>' + content;
But given that content might appear in this manner, or via conventional WordPress PHP templates, it’s a bit worrying that I might have to maintain two basically identical templates for JS and PHP. Especially when there are more than a few HTML tags present.
I want to standardise and centralise everything! What are my options?
You can use wp_localize_script();
// Example:
wp_register_script( 'your-template-script', $path, $dependencies, $version, true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'your-template-script' );
'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' )
,'template_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( self :: $search_nonce_val )
,'action' => 'build_template'
,'title' => get_the_title()
,'content' => get_the_content()
,'title_format' => 'h1'
Then you can use it in your template.js file like the following:
function onAJAXSuccess( target_id, obj ) { // calling this on ajax.success
title = obj.title
content = obj.content
string = '<'+obj.title_format+'>'+title+'</'+obj.title_format+'>'+content;
jQuery( '#' + target_id ).html( string ).fadeIn();
Then call it like this: onAJAXSuccess( 'template_container_id', your_template_object );