I’m looking for a way to have the screen split with side-by-side blog posts that are tied together. My client has her Grandather’s travel dairies and wants to posts the entries. The originals are in German but she also has English translations. So what I’d like is column A has an English post and column B has the German post. Anyone know if there is a plugin or easy-ish way to do this? Maybe something to do with tying the post dates together?

3 Answers
A very simple solution: Add a second editor field to the post editor, and use the meta field content in a filter on the_content
add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpse_77811_extra_content' );
function wpse_77811_extra_content( $content )
return $content . get_post_meta($post->ID, '_t5_extra_box', TRUE );