I’m using the similar posts plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/similar-posts/, and I want the similar posts to show on the same line instead of as a list…

link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4

instead of
link 1
link 2
link 3
link 4

I posted this on the wordpress forum and on the plugin’s official site days ago and still no answer… please help me!

(I know very little about coding, so try to be specific, and if you give me code explain what each line does so I can learn please)


Added info:
I’m using mostly default settings for the plugin, I think the only change I made was to set it to only consider tags. I would think there would be something I could change on the output settings tab, but I have no idea what. I’ve got it set to display after the content because I couldn’t figure out what file to put <?php similar_posts(); ?> and that’s really where I wanted it anyways so it worked out perfectly.
Oh, I am using the default theme Twenty Ten.

Follow the link to wordpress forums in my chosen answer below for the missing parts of the discussion.

2 Answers

I’ve responded to your thread on the WP forums, see here..

You can do what you want from the plugin’s settings page..

EDIT: Following the CSS suggestion, if you wanted to try this method.

  1. Leave the fields as they were
  2. Update the <ul> field to now read <ul id="my_special_id">
  3. Update your theme’s style.css file with the below.

Example CSS.

#my_special_id li { display:inline; }
#my_special_id li a { margin-right: 5px; }

Which should result in the list items displaying side by side. The margin is to push the items away from one another, else they’ll look like one long sting..

The {link} text is basically just a placeholder for output produced by the plugin, not much different to how a shortcode works…


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