I prefer Python over Scala. But, as Spark is natively written in Scala, I was expecting my code to run faster in the Scala than the Python version for obvious reasons.

With that assumption, I thought to learn & write the Scala version of some very common preprocessing code for some 1 GB of data. Data is picked from the SpringLeaf competition on Kaggle. Just to give an overview of the data (it contains 1936 dimensions and 145232 rows). Data is composed of various types e.g. int, float, string, boolean. I am using 6 cores out of 8 for Spark processing; that’s why I used minPartitions=6 so that every core has something to process.

Scala Code

val input = sc.textFile("train.csv", minPartitions=6)

val input2 = input.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (idx, iter) => 
  if (idx == 0) iter.drop(1) else iter }
val delim1 = "\001"

def separateCols(line: String): Array[String] = {
  val line2 = line.replaceAll("true", "1")
  val line3 = line2.replaceAll("false", "0")
  val vals: Array[String] = line3.split(",")

  for((x,i) <- vals.view.zipWithIndex) {
    vals(i) = "VAR_%04d".format(i) + delim1 + x

val input3 = input2.flatMap(separateCols)

def toKeyVal(line: String): (String, String) = {
  val vals = line.split(delim1)
  (vals(0), vals(1))

val input4 = input3.map(toKeyVal)

def valsConcat(val1: String, val2: String): String = {
  val1 + "," + val2

val input5 = input4.reduceByKey(valsConcat)


Python Code

input = sc.textFile('train.csv', minPartitions=6)
DELIM_1 = '\001'

def drop_first_line(index, itr):
  if index == 0:
    return iter(list(itr)[1:])
    return itr

input2 = input.mapPartitionsWithIndex(drop_first_line)

def separate_cols(line):
  line = line.replace('true', '1').replace('false', '0')
  vals = line.split(',')
  vals2 = ['VAR_%04d%s%s' %(e, DELIM_1, val.strip('\"'))
           for e, val in enumerate(vals)]
  return vals2

input3 = input2.flatMap(separate_cols)

def to_key_val(kv):
  key, val = kv.split(DELIM_1)
  return (key, val)
input4 = input3.map(to_key_val)

def vals_concat(v1, v2):
  return v1 + ',' + v2

input5 = input4.reduceByKey(vals_concat)

Scala Performance
Stage 0 (38 mins), Stage 1 (18 sec)
enter image description here

Python Performance
Stage 0 (11 mins), Stage 1 (7 sec)
enter image description here

Both produces different DAG visualization graphs (due to which both pictures show different stage 0 functions for Scala (map) and Python (reduceByKey))

But, essentially both code tries to transform data into (dimension_id, string of list of values) RDD and save to disk. The output will be used to compute various statistics for each dimension.

Performance wise, Scala code for this real data like this seems to run 4 times slower than the Python version.
Good news for me is that it gave me good motivation to stay with Python. Bad news is I didn’t quite understand why?

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