I’m working on rest api with spring boot. I need to log all requests with input params (with methods, eg. GET, POST, etc), request path, query string, corresponding class method of this request, also response of this action, both success and errors. For example:

successful request:


Log should look something like this:

   HttpStatus: 200,
   path: "api/users/1",
   method: "GET",
   clientIp: "",
   accessToken: "XHGu6as5dajshdgau6i6asdjhgjhg",
   method: "UsersController.getUser",
   arguments: {
     id: 1 
   response: {
      user: {
        id: 1,
        username: "user123",
        email: "user123@example.com"   
   exceptions: []       

Or request with error:


Log should be something like this:

   HttpStatus: 404,
   errorCode: 101,                 
   path: "api/users/9999",
   method: "GET",
   clientIp: "",
   accessToken: "XHGu6as5dajshdgau6i6asdjhgjhg",
   method: "UsersController.getUser",
   arguments: {
     id: 9999 
   returns: {            
   exceptions: [
       exception: "UserNotFoundException",
       message: "User with id 9999 not found",
       exceptionId: "adhaskldjaso98d7324kjh989",
       stacktrace: ...................    

I want Request/Response to be a single entity, with custom information related to this entity, both in successful and error cases.

What is best practice in spring to achieve this, may be with filters? if yes, can you provide concrete example?

I’ve played with @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler, but as I mentioned, I need to handle all success and error requests in single place (and single log).

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