It is in header.php

  wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'top-nav','container_class' => '',  'fallback_cb' => ''));

in functions.php

function register_custom_menus(){
            'sidebar-menu' => __( 'Sidebar Menu' ),
            'about-menu' => __( 'About Menu' ),
            'toe-menu' => __('To Exhibit'),
            'tov-menu' => __('To Visit'),
            'media-menu' => __('Media'),
            'top-nav' => __('Top Nav')

I do same thing for other theme and the menu appears just fine. I notice that wp_list_page() works as well. But I wanted to use wp_nav_menu so that I could add in custom link using menu admin.

Could anyone tell me why it is not appearing at all?



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