I have a client who has requested a WP based portfolio where they will present their projects and clients, filtered by categories and tags. They also wish to filter all projects done for a particular client. I decided to use regular posts for the projects, but I’m unsure as to what would be a good setup for clients.
My idea is to have a custom post type named clients, in which the user can create clients that are then made available in a custom field select list in each post. This would make for a robust structure but it seems a bit unnecessarily to have to use a custom post type simply to achieve this. Any ideas on a more effective approach?

2 Answers

It sounds like you need both clients and projects to have “post-like” capabilities, meaning that using a taxonomy for clients wouldn’t make much sense. In this case, I would highly recommend the amazing “Posts 2 Posts” plugin by Scribu, found here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/posts-to-posts/

The plugin allows you to create connections between posts, and makes it trivial to query posts based on these connections.

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