What problems maybe happen if I remove “wp-” prefix from wordpress folders and files?

I want to hide wordpress signs from my site. So I don’t want other people know that I built the website via WordPress. So I decided to remove wp- prefixes from all wordpress folders and files. And I also removed wp- prefixes from file contents with Notepad++. So my question is what problems maybe happen … Read more

WP_Remote_Get Not working

I have a plugin which uses wp_remote_get() and it’s not working on my nginx server so I decided to test this. I created a file called test.php and inserted: <?php $response = wp_remote_get( ‘http://www.domain.com/mytest.php’ ); print $response [‘body’]; ?> When I run this file I am getting error: 2017/02/04 16:22:31 [error] 16573#16573: *461100 FastCGI sent … Read more

Gutenberg List Extension Block

I’m trying to extend the default Gutenberg unordered list that renders like this; <ul> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> </ul> To something like this when it has a custom list style attribute selected; <ul> <li><span></span>Item 1</li> <li><span></span>Item 2</li> </ul> To do this I started setting up an extension with some custom attributes like this; // Set … Read more

Is this plugin being loaded before file.php, subsequently not allowing me to use certain functions?

I’m trying to use get_home_path() in my plugin, however, I get a call to undefined function fatal error (running WordPress 3.8). I believe this would imply that my plugin is being loaded before wp-admin/includes/file.php where get_home_path() is located, right? Is it just me, or is that a little odd? How can I make file.php load … Read more