Formating the display of a post’s date, outside the Loop

I’m using this function to be able to retrieve several data, from outside the Loop: function get_post_data($postId) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID=$postId”); } … and then, this to display the date a post was published: <?php global $wp_query; global $thePostID; $thePostID = $wp_query->post->ID; $data = get_post_data($thePostID); echo $data[0]->post_date; ?> wich … Read more

How do I create a dynamically-updated copyright statement?

I’d like to find an optimized, WP_Query-safe method for generating a dynamically-populated copyright statement for the bottom of my themes. That is to say, I’d like to check the date (by year) of my oldest and newest posts and then output something along the lines of [blog name] &copy; [oldest post year]-[newest post year] [primary … Read more