Update statement with inner join on Oracle

I have a query which works fine in MySQL, but when I run it on Oracle I get the following error: SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 00933. 00000 – “SQL command not properly ended” The query is: UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.value = table2.DESC SET table1.value = table2.CODE WHERE table1.UPDATETYPE=’blah’; … Read more


For simplicity, assume all relevant fields are NOT NULL. You can do: SELECT table1.this, table2.that, table2.somethingelse FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.foreignkey = table2.primarykey AND (some other conditions) Or else: SELECT table1.this, table2.that, table2.somethingelse FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.foreignkey = table2.primarykey WHERE (some other conditions) Do these two work on the same way in … Read more

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN

Both these joins will give me the same results: SELECT * FROM table JOIN otherTable ON table.ID = otherTable.FK vs SELECT * FROM table INNER JOIN otherTable ON table.ID = otherTable.FK Is there any difference between the statements in performance or otherwise? Does it differ between different SQL implementations? 6 They are functionally equivalent, but … Read more

How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

I want to delete using INNER JOIN in SQL Server 2008. But I get this error: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 15 Incorrect syntax near the keyword ‘INNER’. My code: DELETE FROM WorkRecord2 INNER JOIN Employee ON EmployeeRun=EmployeeNo WHERE Company = ‘1’ AND Date=”2013-05-06″ 1 16 You need to specify what table you … Read more

What’s the difference between INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN and FULL JOIN? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: What is the difference between “INNER JOIN” and “OUTER JOIN”? (27 answers) Closed 6 years ago. What’s the difference between INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN and FULL JOIN in MySQL? 3 Reading this original article on The Code Project will help you a lot: Visual Representation of SQL … Read more