Android SDK folder taking a lot of disk space. Do we need to keep all of the System Images?

There are a lot of system images piling up on my disk in the android sdk folder. i hardly use the emulator. May be once in 6 months. Most of my development is directly on device. What i wanted to check was, will removing the system images (at least for the old APIS i.e. < … Read more

Running the new Intel emulator for Android

Lately Google and Intel have published a new way to run the emulator, which should work much better than the previous version (which has emulated ARM CPU). Here are some links about it: this and this. However, after installing the new components and creating a new emulator configuration as instructed, I get an error and … Read more

Difference between OpenJDK and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK

Due to recent Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap policy update (end of $free release updates from Oracle after March 2019 in particular), I’ve been searching for alternatives to Oracle Java. I’ve found that OpenJDK is an open-source alternative. And I’ve found AdoptOpenJDK, now known as Adoptium, which is a prebuilt binary. It puzzles. What is … Read more

How to install Android SDK Build Tools on the command line?

I want to setup the Android dev environment from command line, and encounter the following issue: wget after extract the file, run tools/android update sdk –no-ui However, it is too slow on running Fetching The result is that nothing in folder build-tools, and I want is aapt and apkbuilder, since I want to … Read more

What are the Android SDK build-tools, platform-tools and tools? And which version should be used?

I know this is a very rudimentary question, but to my surprise, I could not find any document about Android SDK Build-tools. Besides Android SDK Tools and Android SDK Platform-tools, there are a bunch of Android SDK Build-tools as shown in the appended screenshot. Could anyone point to a source explaining all of them and … Read more

Changing API level Android Studio

I want to change the minimum SDK version in Android Studio from API 12 to API 14. I have tried changing it in the manifest file, i.e., <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”14″ android:targetSdkVersion=”18″ /> and rebuilding the project, but I still get the Android Studio IDE throwing up some errors. I presume I have to set the min … Read more