Test to see if jQuery or Prototype is queued by another plugin?

In my plugin, I want to test to see if jQuery or Prototype (or both) are going to be loaded by another plugin. So, have wp_enqueue_script('jquery') or wp_enqueue_script('prototype') has already been called.

I have code appropriate to my plugin in files plugin.prototype.js and plugin.jquery.js and if Prototype is queued, my plugin will use plugin.prototype.js. This way I avoid loading more than necessary into the site. If neither has loaded, I will queue up whichever is smaller.

How can I test to see what has been queued up? How do I make sure my code runs last?

2 s

Use wp_script_is() to check if a script is in the queue.

function add_my_scripts() {
    $doing_jquery = wp_script_is('jquery', 'queue');
    $doing_prototype = wp_script_is('prototype', 'queue');

    var_dump($doing_jquery, $doing_prototype);
add_action('wp_print_scripts', 'add_my_scripts');

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